Patna - definitie. Wat is Patna
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Wat (wie) is Patna - definitie

Patna (1778 ship)         
Patna was a sloop built at Java in 1778 that served the British East India Company (EIC) as a pilot boat of the Bengal Pilot Service.
Delhi Public School, Patna         
DPS Patna; Delhi Public School Patna
Delhi Public School, Patna or DPS Patna is a school in Patna, Bihar, India. It was established in the year 1998 in collaboration with DPS Society and the Takshila Education Society.
Patna School of Painting         
  • Holi being played in the courtyard, ca 1795 painting in Patna style.
  • Tamtam (Horse-drawn carriage) -by Shiv Lal
Patna Qualam
Patna School of Painting (also Patna Qalaam, or Patna Kalam) is a style of Indian painting which existed in Bihar, India in the 18th and 19th centuries. Patna Qalaam was the world's first independent school of painting which dealt exclusively with the commoner and their lifestyle which also helped Patna Kalam paintings gain in popularity.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Patna
1. so that the health officer in Nairobi or in Patna, Bihar
2. Yes, I feel the same too. I remember having met you briefly in 2006 in Patna.
Super 30 - Empowering Through Education _ Anand Kumar _ Talks at Google
3. There was no library in Patna, so I used to travel 300 kms to BHU in Varanasi to read journals.
Super 30 - Empowering Through Education _ Anand Kumar _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Patna
1. Sanjaya Lall was born in Patna, India, in 1'40 and took first–class honours degrees at Patna, in 1'60, and Oxford, in 1'63.
2. Patna, September 16: Armed dacoits looted passengers of a Delhi–bound express train after wounding four of them in Patna district late Friday night, officials said.
3. Thursday‘s blast near the state capital, Patna, injured another 20.
4. Patna is the capital of Bihar, India‘s most lawless state.
5. Patna, June 7÷ The vigilance investigation bureau is contemplating legal action against the Sahara Group management –– the employer of former Patna District Magistrate Gautam Goswami, who is evading arrest in the multi–crore flood relief scam.